School survival tips!

As you probably know school is nearing or it has already started for some people. The school year can get crazy busy and stressful, leading you to become super off track and unorganized. I would know from experience! I'm gonna share some tips and tricks I have learned over the past few years.

1. Write a morning schedule in your notes!
It helps me wake up and make sure I have everything prepared for that day! It is super helpful and can make a HUGE difference in the way I act through out the day! I have even made a ton of alarms telling myself when i should be starting or done with something!

2. Workout!
 I know it doesn't always sound great to do, but it definitely makes a difference. I try to do a 10 minute workout on the app " 7 Million Woman" which has a wide variety or different sessions. Though during the summer I did not keep up with this routine in the morning, though I wish I  had. It helped keep me refreshed throughout the day and made me feel good about myself in general.

3.  Me time!
Always make time for yourself! If you let yourself get overly stressed (I've been there too) it can lead to burnout and overworking yourself. No one, and I mean no one, should get to that point. Always make sure your happy. Take time to watch your favorite show, paint your nails, do face masks! Whatever makes you happy!

4. Money!
I have learned that it is always best to have a couple extra bucks in your bag! Not just for emergencies but also things like, forgetting year book money, lunch money, and fundraiser money! It can never hurt as long as it is in a safe space where there is no chance of anyone swiping it or it falling out.

5. Deodorant!
This is a must have! I smell horrid after gym, and i always make sure i have some with me! Especially if you ride the bus, you might be one of the really unlucky ones and have to sit 3 people to a seat! Lets just say it helps prevent...... worse situations.

I hope you enjoyed my tips to survive the school year! I definitely use all of these and have helped me out of some sticky situations.



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